Our Story

How it all started...

LIFEchurch360 originally began as Birmingham Gospel Mission in 1910. 
The name was changed to Warm Beach Community Church in 1924 to match the new name of the community. It was at that same time the church separated from the Presbyterian denomination and became non-denominational. 
The church joined the Assemblies of God in 1961 under Pastor Ken Taylor. 
In 1972, church attendance under Pastor Al Stivala had grown too large for the original building and our Warm Beach facility was built. 
In October of 2008, the church welcomed Matt Morgan and his family as the new Lead Pastor. We celebrated 100 years of ministry in 2010!
 As we have sought the Lord as to the best way to reach our region for Jesus, we felt an overwhelming prompting from the Holy Spirit to move our main campus to the center of our region in Smokey Point. Moving our main campus to Smokey Point increased our reach potential from 16,800 to 208,000 people within a twenty minute driving distance. The best part of this monumental move is we continue reaching the original 16,800 people within a twenty-minute drive of our Warm Beach Campus. We moved into our Smokey Point location in October of 2013 and we celebrated our grand opening in January of 2014. 
In the spring of 2012, in great anticipation of our move to Smokey Point we changed our name from Warm Beach Community Church to LIFEchurch360. 
Our name change is a DBA - honoring the heritage of the Warm Beach name and the many members who have gone before us sacrificing, giving, and sharing the message of Christ we all enjoy today.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together
 at 9:00 am and 10:45 am.