Eagle Wings - dinner - Volunteers needed

St. Patrick's Day Celebration:  Saturday, March 15th                                Event time 4:00 - 6:00pm
  • This is an event for Persons with disabilities, their families and/or caregivers. It hosted by Eagle Wings disability Ministries and free of charge!  
  • The event includes a live band, dancing, food and festivities.  
  • This year we are looking for at least 50 volunteers as we host well over a hundred people.
  • There are at least 10 areas of volunteer needs.
  • Set up, Tear down, Decorating, Hosting tables, picking up food, serving food & several more.
So, come join us for a day of what is sure to be smiles, laughter and a thankful group of people & see how thankful you yourself walk away feeling! To sign up to serve, click learn more, below. Questions, contact Julie Hart at the office, (360) 652-8787.